Photo Booth for Prom – Sandi K Photos

This weekend was a busy one for the photo booth end of Sandi K Photos. We had 3 proms. Western Wayne, Lackawanna Trail and Tunkhannock all had us booked for their big night. I went up to Montdale Country Club early on Friday to set up the booth. Of course it was raining! It always rains when I have to load/unload my equipment! But, lucky me! The kids were there decorating and volunteered to help me bring everything in. Yay! Once I got the booth set up, I let the kids who were there decorating test it out. They picked through my props and put out the ones they felt went with their theme the best.

photobooth, prom, montdale country club, scranton photo booth, 570, picture booth photobooth, prom, montdale country club, scranton photo booth, 570, picture booth photobooth, prom, montdale country club, scranton photo booth, 570, picture booth photobooth, prom, montdale country club, scranton photo booth, 570, picture booth

After making sure everything was running smoothly (knock on wood!) I was off to Fiorelli’s in Peckville to set up photo booth number 2. This was Tunkhannock’s prom. Yes, it was still raining. Luckily, the booth was going to be set up right inside the side door so I was able to back right up to it and unload. I was only about 10 steps from where it was being set up.

The kids had the ball room decorated beautifully. They had left me a really cute sign to put out at the photo booth.

photobooth, prom,Fiorellis, scranton photo booth, 570, picture booth photobooth, prom,Fiorellis, scranton photo booth, 570, picture booth

photobooth, prom,Fiorellis, scranton photo booth, 570, picture booth

After a quick set up, I ran home to shower and head back to Fiorelli’s. The kids from Tunkhannock were so polite and very well behaved. Dana said the kids from Lackawanna Trail that were at Monthdale Country Club were just as nice. And of course Marie and her staff at Montdale are always very accommodating.

Saturday night’s prom was for Western Wayne over in Carbondale at the Best Western on Main Street. We were so busy from start to finish that I didn’t get a chance to get a photo of our set up. The hotel and courtyard are beautiful. That was my first time there. Again, the kids were great!

Photos from each of the events can be found on our website below.


Lackawanna Trail 

Western Wayne

Thank you to all of the schools for letting us be a part of your fun night! Remember us when you are looking for a photo booth for graduation parties!